Virtually Scarless Breast Lift Is Possible
Scars are probably the most significant deterrent for patients when considering breast surgery. It makes sense as the breasts are such an integral part of any woman’s identity. Scars can affect aesthetic choices, such as what clothes you wear, but they can also significantly impact your self-esteem. I have spent a large portion of my career helping breast cancer patients feel whole again. This has given me a deep understanding and respect for our physical bodies’ critical connection and emotional well-being. It’s why I worked so hard to develop my unique Virtually Scarless Breast Lift procedure. I wanted to give my patients all the benefits of a breast lift without the downside of a hugely visible scar.
What Makes a Scar?
Patients are often confused about what makes a scar. Every surgical procedure involves cutting the skin. Your body’s natural healing response to the “injury” of this incision line is to produce more collagen to mend the two edges back together again. The scar results from the fact that the repaired skin often doesn’t look the same as your native skin. It may have a different texture or thickness. There are several factors, including genetics, that may affect the intensity of your scars,
- Surgical technique
- Amount of tension placed on the incision line
- Post-operative care
Benefits of a Breast Lift
A breast lift is one of the most common procedures that I perform. Lifting and shaping the breasts into a more youthful contour can completely transform your entire torso. Sagging in the breasts can result from:
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Weight gain/loss
- Menopause
Lifting them into a more “perky” position can have a significant impact on your self-esteem, making you feel more energetic, youthful, and vital. It’s almost like giving birth to a new you, celebrating the next stage in your life.
Traditional Breast Lift vs. Virtually Scarless Breast Lift
The Virtually Scarless Breast Lift is an improvement on the traditional circum-areolar breast lift. Both place the incision around your areola where any subsequent scar is more easily camouflaged by the transition between the darker skin of your areola and the skin on your breast. My Virtually Scarless Breast Lift is different because I partially elevate the areola skin and use multiple sutures to secure the dermal flap instead of the normal suture. The problem with the latter is that, as your body heals, too much tension is placed on this one suture, and it cuts through your tissue, resulting in the widening of the scar.
Thanks to my experience and education with wound healing, I know that the key to an almost invisible incision line is reducing this pull on the surface skin. So, I added the additional purse-string sutures to my technique to offset the tension, resulting in minor scar stretching.
Surgical Mesh to Improve Results
The other issue with breast lift surgery is that excess weight or gravity pulls and stretches your breast’s skin and tissues.
This is why I will often include a surgical mesh as part of my Virtually Scarless Breast Lift procedure for additional support. The mesh absorbs slowly over time, as it is made from the same material as absorbable sutures and has been safely used in surgery for years, including breast surgery.
I place my mesh on the top of your breast to deliver that upper pole fullness that so many patients want these days. I may add additional mesh in the lower pole for extra support if needed. The body produces collagen that weaves in and out of the mesh. Over time, the mesh itself dissolves, and you are left with your internal bra of support. Additionally, if you need extra volume, I can easily add fat or a breast implant to your breast lift procedure.
Before Breast Lift
After Breast Lift
Ideal Candidate for Virtually Scarless Breast Lift
While my Virtually Scarless Breast Lift is best for patients with only a mild to moderate degree of ptosis, the techniques that I employ are universally adaptable. For more severe cases of ptosis, I will add a vertical incision to elevate the nipple further.
My technique is particularly beneficial for complex breast revision cases.
Patients who wish to remove their breast implants from a previous surgery will often benefit from a breast lift to elevate the skin and tissues of the breast once the implants are removed.
I pride myself on delivering beautiful-looking breasts with the least amount of visible scarring possible for your anatomy and needs.
To find out more about a Virtually Scarless Breast Lift or any other surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Hilton Becker in Boca Raton, Florida, contact us here or call 561-394 6656 to schedule a consultation.
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This technique is described in my latest book chapter, “Minimizing Scars in Mastopexy,” in the book “Managing Common and Uncommon Complications of Aesthetic Breast Surgery” edited by John Y.S. Kim.