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Breast lift surgery

Dr. Hilton Becker is a recognized as authority in breast lift surgery. He has published articles as well as written chapters in plastic surgery textbooks on the subject of breast lift surgery.

He is a pioneer in the development of the Virtually Scarless breast lift in Florida, also known as the sub-areolar mastopexy, which is an improved variation of the circum-areolar mastopexy. In this procedure an incision is made around the areola. By using buried tension releasing sutures, scarring is minimized. He has published two articles on the subject.

Minimizing Scars in Mastopexy chapter page

Minimizing Scars in Mastopexy chapter page

Minimizing Scars in Mastopexy chapter page

Becker, H.: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, September/October 2003. Subareolar Mastopexy Update.

Becker, H.: Aesthetic Surgery, September/October 2001. The Dermal Overlap Subareolar Mastopexy A Preliminary Report.

Before and after photos:

Virtually "Scarless" Breast Lift with no implants

Virtually "Scarless" Breast Lift with no implants

Following breast lift with internal absorbable mesh support

Following breast lift with internal absorbable mesh support

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The Virtually "Scarless" Breast Lift

Dr. Becker's New Technique

Dr. Becker has developed a new technique called the sub-areola mastopexy, or the “Virtually "Scarless" Breast Lift". Dr. Becker's breast lift in Boca Raton enables a breast lift to be performed with virtually no scarring. The sub-areola mastopexy also results in reduced tension at the suture site, so the scars are often barely noticeable. Dr. Becker has recently improved this technique by inserting an “internal bra,” with the use of a specialized surgical mesh commonly used in repairing other areas of the body. This internal “bra” increases lift without creating additional scarring.

As the pioneer of the “Virtually 'Scarless' Breast Lift” technique, Dr. Becker trains and instructs other plastic surgeons in the USA and across the globe in this innovative surgical procedure. He has also authored numerous articles in medical journals and textbooks on this important topic.

Before and after photos:

Patient with marked ptosis.

Following breast lift with internal mesh support with no implant.

Patient with marked ptosis.

Following breast lift with internal mesh support with no implant.

Breast lift with circumareolar incisions and internal absorbable mesh support.

Patients also had removal of saline patients from under the muscle and replacement of silicone implants over the muscle.

Breast Lift Boca Raton

Internal Mesh Breast Lift: Restoring a Youthful Profile

This video shows how an external tape is effective in elevating the breast. As part of your breast lift procedure, the surgical mesh is placed in a similar fashion within the breast to lift the breast tissue with minimal scarring in a “Virtually 'Scarless' Breast Lift” procedure developed by Dr. Hilton Becker.

Dr. Becker has been invited by his colleagues around the world to lecture and teach the techniques of his breast lift in Boca Raton. He has performed thousands of breast procedures over his 25 year experience.

The breast lift procedure may be performed with Dr. Becker’s adjustable breast implants or the New Natural Profile – Cohesive Silicone Gel Implants. Enhanced lift and projection is achieved with an internal mesh bra that Dr. Becker has developed.

Patients travel from afar seeking Dr. Becker’s expertise. We will be more then pleased to assist you with travel arrangements to beautiful Boca Raton.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a breast lift last?

This depends on your skin elasticity, the type of breast lift performed (circumareola or vertical), and if implants were used or an internal mesh was placed for support.

What is the recovery time of a breast lift?

With the circumareola breast lift, recovery time is rapid within a few weeks, unless additional lifting procedures are done internally. With a vertical breast lift, recovery is longer as there is a vertical scar from the areola down to the base of the breast which requires healing. There will be drains used with a breast lift, particularly if an internal mesh suspension is used.

Does the “Virtually Scarless” breast lift damage the functionality of the nipple?

Loss of sensation of the nipple can occur with any breast lift; but is extremely rare. In the “Virtually Scarless” breast lift, the nipple is raised and there is no cutting of the deep tissue where the nerves may enter the nipple.

Pioneer in the field

Dr. Becker is the pioneer of the sub-areola mastopexy technique. He serves as an instructor and teaches these techniques to other doctors around the United States and the world. Dr. Becker has also written numerous articles and plastic surgery textbook chapters on this topic, including:

  1. The dermal overlap sub areola mastopexy: A preliminary report. Aesthetic Surgery, September/October 2001.
  2. The correction of breast ptosis with the expander mammary prosthesis. Annals of Plastic Surgery, Vol. 24, No. 6, June 1990.
  3. Sub areola Mastopexy: Update. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, September/October 2003.

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