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Dr. Becker, International Authority on Breast Reconstruction

Dr. Becker is recognized both nationally and internationally as a leading authority in breast reconstruction. He has lectured and published extensively on this important subject.

Breast Reconstruction With Absorbable Mesh

Now that it is possible to save all the skin and even the nipples following mastectomy ,breast reconstruction in Boca Raton is more successful than ever.

Adjustable breast implants or silicone gel implants can be placed at the same time as the mastectomy and recently Dr. Becker has even been able to reconstruct the breast in these instances without implants.

He uses an absorbable mesh which is commonly used in other surgical procedures. For more information visit this resources: Durasorb & Galaflex.

Mesh is inserted into the space where the breast tissue was removed following mastectomy.

Graphic of Fat Being Injected Into Mesh

Fat is injected into the mesh.

The mesh is impregnated with the patients own fat. This fat is harvested by liposuction. Further fat is injected at a second stage of this procedure.

Results are similar to patients undergoing cosmetic breast procedures.The result is a soft naturally feeling breast which often regains sensation

Dr. Becker Developed a New Technique of Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy.

Dr. Hilton Becker presented at Ground Rounds at the Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery University of Miami, on October 30th, 2018. The title of the lecture:

Immediate Breast Reconstruction Using a Pre-Pectoral Spacer.

The Surgeon performs a skin/nipple sparing Mastectomy when possible. The scar is placed beneath the breast where it is then hidden in the fold. If the breast is sagging a vertical incision is used which elevates the breast.

The breast is reconstructed by placing an adjustable spacer/implant in the pocket where the breast tissue was removed from. The tissues are injected with long acting local anesthetic thus reducing the pain after surgery. Patients may be discharged on the same day or spend the night in the hospital.

Once the circulation to the breast skin improves further saline is added to the spacer. Once the correct volume is achieved the injection port attached to the spacer/implant is removed leaving the implant in position. Alternatively, the saline implant can be converted to a gel implant. If the patient wishes, Fat grafting can be performed, and the spacer/implant removed.

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See video below.

Following bilateral mastectomy with vertical scar and prepectoral breast reconstruction with adjustable saline implant

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Innovator and Developer in Modern Breast Implants

Dr. Becker is best known as the inventor of the adjustable breast implant, known as the Becker Expander Mammary prosthesis. The Becker Expander implant functions as a tissue expander, and then converts to a breast implant after the tissues have been expanded sufficiently.

Now that skin sparing mastectomies are being performed, expansion of the skin is less necessary. It is advantageous, however, to place the implant underfilled to prevent excessive pressure on the overlying incision and skin flap in order to prevent wound breakdown and tissue loss. The adjustable implant is therefore initially placed underfilled and only filled once healing is assured.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Breast Reconstruction at the Time of the Mastectomy

Traditionally, a tissue expander is placed at the first surgery and used to expand the overlying skin. It is then removed at a second surgery and replaced with a breast implant. Thanks to the invention of the Becker Expander implant, a second operation may no longer be necessary to replace the expander with an implant; it can all be accomplished in a single surgery, by simply removing the injection port once the correct size has been obtained.

The Becker Expander implant is used by surgeons in many countries throughout the world.

Breast Reconstruction With Fat Grafting

Thanks to recent advances in tissue transfer, it is now possible to reconstruct the breast following mastectomy using the patient’s own fat. This is done without implants or complex surgical procedures. Dr. Becker is a pioneer in fat harvesting techniques having developed several instruments currently used in this procedure. He has now combined techniques developed in the United States and Europe to offer the patient breast reconstruction using their own fat. Fat is harvested during a liposuction procedure.

The procedure is often enhanced with external expansion known as the BRAVA®. This is an external expansion device that stretches the skin before the fat is injected. Recovery is more rapid and there is less down time. The breasts feel natural and sensation often returns. An added benefit is the body contouring as a result of the liposuction.

Fat grafting can be done:

  • At the time of the mastectomy and continued after surgery
  • As a delayed procedure after the mastectomy
  • To correct complications following previous surgery
  • Following lumpectomy and radiation defects
Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Fat tissue contains fat derived stem cells. These cells stimulate healing, increase the circulation and have a rejuvenating effect on the tissues. Fat grafting therefore is also used for facial rejuvenation and correction of scarring such as burns wounds and radiation.

Results of Breast Reconstruction – The Technique Matters.

The results of our breast reconstruction in Florida surgery following mastectomy are directly related to the mastectomy technique that is performed. The techniques used for mastectomy are dependent on the nature of the condition being treated and the philosophy of the treating surgeon.

Reconstructive Options for a Patient Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

The reconstructive options are directly related to the surgery recommended by the surgeon to deal with the breast cancer. The surgical options include:

  • Lumpectomy and Radiation
  • Mastectomy:
    • Radical mastectomy
    • Modified radical mastectomy
    • Skin-sparing mastectomy
    • Nipple-sparing mastectomy

The reconstructive options will also depend on the individual patient’s’ health, breast size, shape, and weight.

Lumpectomy and Radiation

  • No further treatment may be necessary
  • Fat injections can be used to fill in the deformity
  • Rotation of surrounding tissue can be used to fill in the defect (Oncoplastic repair)
  • Breast reduction following lumpectomy

The reconstructive options will also depend on the individual patient’s health, breast size, shape, and weight.


Radical mastectomy is performed less frequently than in the past. Reconstruction after a radical mastectomy requires flap repair. Modified radical mastectomy and nipple sparing mastectomy are more common, and can involve:

  • Direct to implant reconstruction at the time of mastectomy
  • Tissue expander placement at the time of mastectomy with second stage placement of silicone gel implant
  • Adjustable breast implant placement at the time of mastectomy
  • Flap reconstruction

Any of the above techniques may be performed, including fat injection with external expansion. Examples of the above techniques are available on this website.

Outcome of Different Timings of Radiotherapy in Implant-Based Breast Reconstructions.

Breast Reconstruction Using Skin Remaining after the Mastectomy

It is now possible to reconstruct the breast following mastectomy using the remaining skin. No implants or flaps are necessary

This procedure is only possible in larger breasted patients who are having skin sparing mastectomies

Now that surgeons are performing skin sparing mastectomies, it is possible to save the remaining skin and advance the surrounding skin to fashion a small breast.

The size can be further enlarged with fat grafting e.g., from the abdomen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is the procedure performed following mastectomy for breast cancer to restore the breasts.

There is a large variety of procedures that can be done including using the local tissue to reconstruct a small breast, adding fat grafting after the surgery, placing a cohesive silicone implant or an adjustable saline implant at the time of the mastectomy, and a variety of flaps and microsurgical procedures.

Why choose Dr. Becker for Breast Reconstruction in Boca Raton?

Dr. Becker invented the Spectrum adjustable implant, which he uses most commonly in breast reconstruction in Boca Raton, FL. He has developed a technique where the adjustable implant is placed above the muscle without any additional mesh or acellular dermal matrix. Following the initial procedure, the breast is further improved by fat grafting to the skin flap. The adjustable implant can be replaced with a silicone gel implant and if acellular dermal matrix is necessary, it is placed at the second stage.

Does the “Virtually Scarless” breast lift damage the functionality of the nipple?

Loss of sensation of the nipple can occur with any breast lift; but is extremely rare. In the “Virtually Scarless” breast lift, the nipple is raised and there is no cutting of the deep tissue where the nerves may enter the nipple.




Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Dr Becker’s Surgical Technique in Breast Reconstruction

Due to the fact that surgeons are now more frequently performing skin sparing and even nipple sparing mastectomies, it is more feasible to place the expander above the muscle. Placement above the muscle has several advantages:

  • Reduction of animation deformities (abnormal implant movement as a result of muscle contraction)
  • Shorter surgery time, less post-operative pain and discomfort
  • Less invasive surgery

In cases where additional protection is needed for the incision, such as cases with excess tension on the incision or poor blood supply for patients with thinner skin flaps, the implant is placed below the muscle. The implant can be placed above the muscle at the second procedure.

Breast Cancer and Diet

Prophylactic Mastectomy with Immediate Reconstruction

For women diagnosed with breast cancer, or advised by their surgeon to undergo a prophylactic mastectomy, revolutionary new procedures have become available that enable a patient to undergo a mastectomy with the possibility of preserving all the breast skin, the areola and even the nipple.

Prophylactic preventative mastectomy is the surgical procedure performed to remove one or both breasts in an effort to prevent or reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

There are several options available to patients undergoing prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction.

One of the techniques that many patients do not know about is that of nipple-sparing mastectomy: one stage reconstruction using an adjustable implant placed above the muscle.

The advantage of this technique is that it avoids the problems related to implant placement under the muscle such as abnormal breast movement when the muscle contracts and high riding implants due to the muscle tending to elevate the implant.

The adjustable implant enables the reconstruction to be done at the time of mastectomy.

Dr. Becker is a pioneer in this procedure, having been the developer of the Becker adjustable gel implant and the Spectrum adjustable saline implant.

While a flap can be used to replace the volume of the breast, the implant developed by Dr. Becker (the Mentor Becker 50/50) is considered by many surgeons to be the ideal implant to reconstruct the breast following prophylactic mastectomy.

The adjustable implant is placed above the muscle. The injection port which attaches to the implant is placed beneath the skin.

Once healing is assured (usually 1-2 days) filling of the implant is done by injecting saline into the port. Filling is usually completed in several days. The injection port is removed under local anesthesia once the patient is satisfied with the results.

As the implants are placed above the muscle, there is less pain and no abnormal distortion of the implant by the muscle. Saline is added once the skin has sufficiently healed, and then over-expanded to improve the shape of the breast. The volume is then reduced, and the injection dome is removed through a tiny incision. In select cases where circulation to the skin is not comprised, a gel implant can be used to eliminate the need for delayed filling or expansion.

Dr. Becker, an internationally known plastic surgeon has pioneered this procedure. He is the inventor of the adjustable breast implant and has published over 30 articles and contributed chapters to plastic surgery text books. He serves as an instructor at national plastic surgery meetings, lectures internationally, and holds regular workshops around the world demonstrating his sought-after surgical techniques.

Becker Adjustable Implant

For more information on the Becker adjustable implants, Click here.

  • Volume can be changed after surgery
  • Patient has input into final size
  • Better able to correct asymmetry
  • Better able to treat complications following previous breast surgery i.e., irregularities in shape, capsular contracture, symmastia (disruption of midline)

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Now you can change the size of your breasts without additional surgery.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Implant with no saline added.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton


Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Saline added to implant via injection port.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton


Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Injection port removed once final volume is achieved

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton


The adjustable breast implant, which was developed in 1985 by Dr. Becker, is used in this procedure. The implant consists of a membrane that is filled with saline via detachable dome. Saline (salt water solution) is added or removed from the implant post-operatively by inserting a thin needle through the skin into the injection dome. Once the patient is satisfied with the size and shape of her breasts, the dome is removed usually three to six months post-operatively. The implant seals at the self-sealing valve. alternatively the injection dome may be exteriorized and removed one week later.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Implant placed at time of surgery.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Saline added to implant.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Saline removed from implant.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Injection port removal through small incision.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

Injection port removed.

If the patient wishes to enlarge (or decrease) the size of her breasts after surgery, a needle is placed through the skin into the injection dome. Saline solution is then injected (or removed) to adjust to the size (and shape) of the breast. When the patient is satisfied with the result, the injection dome can be removed under local anesthetic.

It is the ability of the adjustable breast implant to correct or improve difficult breast problems such as ptosis, tubular and unilateral breast development that makes this implant so unique. The adjustable-fill breast implant is useful in expanding underlying tissue and generating more breast tissue to create a more natural and symmetrical breast shape. Because these implants can be filled gradually over a period of several months, discomfort is minimized while the skin slowly stretches. In order to avoid the unnatural, hard-looking appearance of some augmentations, especially the upper fullness. Adjustable breast implants can be overfilled, then the volume reduced, allowing the breast to relax, producing a more natural appearance.

For more information on the Becker adjustable implants, Click here.

Dr. Becker’s response to questions on

Click here for Dr. Becker’s response to questions on

Dr. Becker believes that single-stage breast reconstruction affords his patients several important benefits. “The advent of single-stage reconstruction enhances the physical and emotional well-being of my patients because it allows them to awake after their mastectomy with some breast fullness that will be expanded to their satisfaction.”

Technical Information Breast Reconstruction: Complication Rate and Tissue Expander

Many patients look as good, if not better, after their bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction than they did before the surgery. For more information about options in breast reconstruction, please call (800) MENTOR-8.

It is important to note that every woman’s body and medical condition is different; so not all women are eligible for single-stage reconstruction. Your doctor is the best person to discuss with you whether or not single-stage breast reconstruction is a suitable option.

Dr. Becker has published numerous articles on this procedure. He lectures nationally and internationally and has been featured on 20/20, Healthcare network, MSNBC Special Edition and Extra. He was listed in Good Housekeeping as one of America‘s Top 184 Breast Cancer Reconstructive Surgeons.

Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton
Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton
Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton
Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton
Breast Reconstruction Boca Raton

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