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Hilton Becker M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.

  • Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
  • International lecturer on advanced regenerative plastic surgery techniques
  • Published over 100 articles and numerous chapters in plastic surgery textbooks
  • Patented and developed 6 plastic surgery devices

Specializing in Regenerative, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Breast Surgery and Facial Rejuvenation

  • Inventor of The Becker Micronizer, which micronizes fat particles enabling more successful fat grafting to the face and breast
  • Breast augmentation, reconstruction and restoration following implant removal with patients own fat and plasma (PRF)
  • Virtually scarless breast lift with internal absorbable mesh bra

Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton

Welcome to

Plastic Surgery Boca Raton

Dr. Becker is a world renowned leader in plastic surgery. He is an innovator, medical patent holder, and highly sought after medical lecturer and Professor. He specializes in challenging cases and excels in natural-looking results that look gorgeous without looking “done”.

Dr. Becker and his professional staff invite you to discover our plastic surgery clinic to experience the difference his expertise brings. Beyond our compassionate, kind approach, you can be confident that you will be treated by an acclaimed authority in advanced, less-invasive surgical procedures that produce natural-looking, beautiful and arguably the best outcomes in plastic surgery Boca Raton has to offer.

Non-Surgical “Facelift” with Fat Grafting

The Becker Non-Surgical "Facelift" utilizes stem cell-enriched fat grafts to rejuvenate your appearance. Dr. Hilton Becker is an esteemed expert in fat grafting with extensive experience. The Becker Micronizer leverages your body's own fat, offering a completely natural method to restore youthful fullness that diminishes with age. The key to his outstanding results lies in the advanced technique of breaking down fat cells into smaller particles, creating a concentrated cellular matrix known as Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) Rich Micronized Fat, which is abundant in collagen and stem cells. This approach effectively rejuvenates the skin, akin to immersing it in the "fountain of youth."

Dr. Becker’s innovative micronizer allows him to target all three layers of skin and tissue, achieving results comparable to surgery—without any incisions.

Learn more about Dr. Becker's Non-Surgical "Facelift"


Following neck and jowl liposuction and stem cell enriched fat grafting

Following neck and jowl liposuction and stem cell enriched fat grafting

Final result

Final result

Dr. Becker Lecturing on Non Surgical Facelift

Dr. Becker lectures on his facial fat grafting technique.

Natural Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting

Many women desire fuller, more shapely breasts but may feel hesitant about undergoing invasive surgery to achieve this cosmetic goal. Dr. Hilton Becker offers fat transfer breast augmentation as a minimally invasive alternative, enhancing the breasts using your body's natural fat—without the need for implants or scarring.

Micronizer information

As a renowned plastic surgeon in Boca Raton, Dr. Becker is a leading expert in fat grafting. He has also developed and patented innovative tools, such as the Becker liposuction cannulas, the Becker Micronizer, and absorbable scaffolds, all designed to enhance the fat grafting process.

Before Image


After Image

Following insertion with a 175cc implant on the left and a 200cc on the right

Wide Awake Minimally Invasive Breast Enhancement (WAMI)

Many women are generally satisfied with their breasts wanting only a modest increase in size often resorting to a push up bra. When considering volume enhancement, they don’t want down time or complications. For these patients the (WAMI) procedure is Ideal. The small implants that are used can be placed through a small incision. The pocket for the implant is made using atraumatic Hydro dissection and blunt balloon expansion, stretching the space with no cutting of muscle, nerve or vessels. There is very little downtime with patients returning to normal activities the next day. Another option is the use of absorbable mesh to perform an internal lift. Further volume and contouring can be done with fat grafting.

Dr. Becker’s preference for routine breast augmentation is the use of the Moderate Profile Plus Smooth Round Cohesive Gel Implant. Implants are usually placed above muscle but beneath the fascia (the outer lining of the muscle). When Saline implants are used, Dr. Becker prefers to use the adjustable saline (Spectrum®) as the volume can be changed after surgery. Read His Publications

More on Breast Augmentation

Pioneer of the Virtually “Scarless” Breast Lift

Dr. Hilton Becker is a renowned authority in breast lift surgery, with numerous publications and contributions to plastic surgery textbooks on the subject.

He pioneered the development of the Virtually "Scarless" Breast Lift, also known as the sub-areolar mastopexy, which improves upon the traditional circum-areolar mastopexy. This advanced technique involves a discreet incision around the areola, and the use of buried tension-releasing sutures to minimize scarring.

Learn more about Dr. Becker's “Scarless” Breast Lift
Before Image


After Image

After Dr. Becker's "Scarless" Breast Lift Technique


Correction of Breast Implant Complications

Breast correction may be necessary after complications from an earlier augmentation. Issues may include asymmetry, implants that are too large, too small, or wrongly positioned, or issues such as capsular contracture, muscle distortion, implants that have drooped low on the chest or sag, or issues associated with excessive scarring. Dr. Becker is highly proficient in the correction of breast surgery complications. He has invented and patented several breast implants and teaches his techniques around the world.

More on Implant Correction

Breast Implant Removal and Restoration

Before Image

Patient with sub-muscular breast implants

After Image

Following breast implant removal and breast lift

LEARN MORE ABOUT DR. BECKER'S Correction of Breast Implant Complications

Dr. Becker’s expertise in this field has earned him invitations from colleagues worldwide to lecture and teach his innovative breast lift techniques. With over 35 years of experience and thousands of breast procedures performed, he has also developed an internal absorbable mesh bra that enhances lift and projection.

Patients from across the globe seek Dr. Becker’s specialized care. We are more than happy to assist with travel arrangements to beautiful Boca Raton so that you can benefit from his exceptional skill and experience.

Breast Reconstruction

Dr. Becker is the pioneer of the one-stage breast reconstruction. This procedure is performed at the same time as the mastectomy. Patients often look better after their reconstruction than before, particularly in patients undergoing prophylactic mastectomy where skin sparing and nipple sparing mastectomy is performed. Read his publications

More on Breast Reconstruction

For Younger, Healthier Looking Skin

The skin care industry is riddled with hype marketing and confusion. Dr. Becker is one of the first physicians to take the opposite approach.

He has developed skin care products that are based on concentrated active ingredients that have scientifically proven benefits. His products contain effective ingredients without added potentially harmful chemicals.

More on Skin Care Products
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
Plastic Surgery Boca Raton
My goal is to exceed every patient’s
needs and provide an elevated quality of care.

- Dr. Becker

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Recent News, Press & Meetings

Dr Becker Lectures at the Siittral (Brazilian-American Plastic surgery meeting) on his fat grafting technique to rejuvenate the face and enlarge the breasts

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Dr. Becker Honorary Hartrampf Lecturer at the 37th Annual Atlanta Breast Surgery Symposium

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Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction

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Dr. Becker Presents His Revolutionary New Fat Grafting Device

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Dr. Becker’s Circum-Oral Rejuvenation with concentrated stem cell fat grafts, and micro fat grafts

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Dr. Hilton Becker presenting at the ASAPS meeting in Miami on his revolutionary new device The Becker Micronizer.

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Meet Dr. Becker

Interview: Prophylactic Mastectomy

Choosing the right surgeon.

In addition to being a highly-skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Becker is also an accomplished author and inventor. He has two published books, has contributed to numerous chapters in several plastic surgery text books and written over 50 articles in the plastic surgery literature. He is the developer of the ‘Mentor Becker Adjustable Implant,’ as well as several other innovative plastic surgery devices.

Dr. Becker serves as an instructor at plastic surgery meetings throughout the United States, and has been invited to lecture and perform surgery around the world, teaching others his highly sought-after techniques.

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