What is breast augmentation?
Breast augmentation in Boca Raton is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. There are several options that a patient should consider when planning to undergo breast implant surgery.
Dr. Hilton Becker has extensive experience using silicone gel breast implants. He has been part of the FDA Adjunct Study of Silicone Breast Implants and has been using silicone gel implants since the study was started in 1992.
Before and after photos:
After breast augmentation circum-areolar incision
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Benefits of Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in the U.S. and abroad. Patients are typically extremely satisfied with their results from the procedure, which last as long as a decade or more. Done properly by a board-certified plastic surgeon, breast augmentation has the following patient benefits:
- Improved size, shape, and projection of the breasts
- Improved breast symmetry
- Enhanced volume and curvature of the breasts and upper body
- Expanded wardrobe options
- Increased self and sexual confidence
- Restoration of a pre-pregnancy body
To achieve these and other benefits from your breast augmentation with Dr. Becker, a personal consultation is done in order to fully understand your goals for the procedure. With breast augmentation, almost any look and size can be accomplished, so the key to producing the perfect outcome for you often comes done to a thorough understanding of your ideals, and good communication between patient and doctor.
Why choose Dr. Becker for my breast augmentation in Boca Raton, Florida?
Boca Raton breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Becker, is recognized as an international authority on both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, including breast enlargements (augmentation), breast lift (mastopexy), (invisible scar breast lift), breast augmentation with lift, correction of breast implant complication and breast reconstruction following mastectomy.
He has lectured, taught workshops, written several chapters in textbooks and published many articles on breast surgery. He is therefore highly proficient in a broad range of breast surgery procedures.
Dr. Becker has used just about every type of breast implant, incision, and placement. With his current technique he feels he is achieving the best results that he has seen in his practice.
Dr. Becker’s breast augmentation technique:
- Implants: Although there are many different types of implants available, Dr. Becker's breast implants of choice are smooth round:
- Silicone Cohesive Gel (otherwise known as ‘Gummy Bear”)
- Saline – Adjustable saline option to adjust size after the surgery
- Silicone/Saline adjustable implants (Becker 50/50, Spectra® ) Only available outside the USA.
- Incision: Dr. Becker prefers the circum-areolar incision. The incision is made around the lower half of the areola, is well hidden, and can also be converted to a full circum-areolar incision
- Implant Positions: Dr. Becker's preferred choice is SUB-FACIAL. This is a layer of connective tissue that is between the muscle and breast tissue. Dr. B has modified the sub-facial technique to offer implant support at the same time having no muscle contraction over the implant causing distortion. (Animation Deformity) Click here
- Internal Mesh Bra: An internal absorbable mesh bra is used if there is mild sagging ,or if the patient desire enhanced elevation. needed It is also used to correct implant complications and in breast reconstruction surgery. Click here
- Contamination Avoidance During the Insertion of the Implant: The sterile implant goes straight from the implant container into the breast without touching anything before it is inserted into the clean pocket that Dr. B has made. A one time use – ‘implant funnel’ is used to prevent bacterial contamination of the implant from the skin and enables the implants to be placed through a smaller incision. Click here
- Surgery: Our surgery is performed either under local anesthetic or IV sedation in our AAAASF (American Association for Ambulatory Surgery)
- Intra Operative Tissue Expander: This is a temporary implant shell that is inserted into the newly made pocket to gain symmetry and helps stretch the skin intra-operatively.
- Post Operative Drainage: To drain any collection of fluid that remains in the pocket after surgery.
- Frequent Postoperative Visits: It is important that patients are seen frequently after surgery as there is a window of opportunity early after surgery, where potential complications can be avoided, such as asymmetry.
- Yearly Follow Up: Having breast implants is a life time commitment. potential implant complications, such as capsular contracture can be avoided. Early physical therapy is initiated if necessary Aspen Rehab.
- Mentor Implant Enhanced Warranty: All patients receive the Mentor Breast Implant warranty that covers manufacturer defect. Click here
- Mentor Volume Sizing System: Try the New You Visualizer and Visualize the new you now!
- Warranty: We offer our patients a full 12 month warranty on their surgery. Provided that you keep your follow up appointments. We will correct any complication that should occur at no additional cost to you (excluding operating room and anesthesiologist) revisions are usually done under local anesthetic.
Having breast implants is a life time commitment. potential implant complications, such as capsular contracture can be avoided if early physical therapy is initiated. Early physical therapy is initiated if necessary at Aspen Rehab.
For patients with previous saline implants who wish to replace with gel implants
- Submuscular saline implants are removed, the muscle is returned to its original position and new silicone gel implants are placed above the muscle (it is usually not necessary to remove the capsule unless it is calcified).
Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting
It is now possible in selected patients to enlarge the breasts entirely from the patient’s own tissue.
Thanks to new enhanced techniques of fat grafting, it is possible to harvest fat at the time of liposuction and inject the fat into the patient’s breast. This technique is used for both our breast augmentation surgery and our breast reconstruction surgery in Boca Raton
The breasts can now be enlarged without scarring or breast implants. Dr. Becker is a pioneer in both breast surgery and liposuction. He developed the Becker series of liposuction cannulas that are commonly used to harvest the fat for fat grafting procedures. PRP Platelet rich plasma (rich in growth factors) is often combined with the fat graft procedure.
With the evolution of breast reconstruction following mastectomy we have been using an absorbable mesh scaffold coated with the patient's own PRP obtained from their blood and fat harvested from their own tissues.
We have coined the term bio-mesh for this.
He is also currently involved in developing new scaffolds for breast reconstruction and enlargement.
The Biomesh is shaped to the shape of the breast and inserted through a small incision.
The surrounding tissues grow into the scaffold. For further enlargement, fat can then be injected with the patient's own fat tissue. Often sufficient tissue can be generated, enabling us to do away with breast implants.
The result is a natural looking and feeling breast provided that there is sufficient quality and volume of tissue available.
Composite Breast Augmentation in Boca Raton
Composite breast augmentation is the technique of adding fat grafting to the breast augmentation procedure thus adding a new dimension to our breast augmentation.
A breast implant is effective in adding volume to the breast, however often falls short of producing the optimum natural shape. It is for this reason that there are a multitude of breast implant shapes and configurations.
Now, thanks to enhanced techniques of fat grafting procedures, it is possible to add extra tissue to shape and sculpt the breast to the desired size and shape.
Liposuction is performed at the same time as the breast procedure. The harvested fat is then injected around the implant. The implant is covered with an extra layer of tissue concealing the “implant look”. A more voluptuous breast shape is created and irregularities and rippling are avoided.
Sub muscular placement is no longer necessary thus eliminating the abnormal movement and distortion seen when the implants are placed under the muscle.
Breast implants sometimes result in a lack of fullness to the upper pole, or do not provide sufficient cleavage. Fat grafting allows these two problems to be corrected. Fat grafting is also used to correct abnormally shaped breasts such as tubular breast or asymmetric breasts.
Composite fat grafting is an excellent method of correcting a wide range of breast complications following breast augmentation in Boca Raton, breast reconstruction and even radiation defects.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know which kind of implants are right for me?
There are several implants available for breast augmentation:
Saline Implants:
All saline implants have an outer shell made of silicone.
- Standard Saline implants are filled at the time of surgery and the filling tube is removed.
- Spectrum Adjustable implant can be further filled after surgery either by exteriorizing the injection port for a few days or burying the injection port which allows postoperative volume adjustments for several months.
- The Ideal implant, which is a saline implant, that has extra shells within the lumen that baffle the saline and make it feel more like a silicone get implant.
Silicone Gel Implants:
There are smooth cohesive silicone gel and textured silicone gel as well as round and anatomical.
I only use the smooth round cohesive silicone gel implants.
Round implants are either low profile, moderate profile, moderate profile plus, moderate profile plus X and high profile.
I most commonly use moderate profile plus or moderate profile plus X. In certain cases, I will use high profile X.
What is the expected recovery time?
Recovery from breast augmentation is quicker when implants are placed pre-pectoral instead of sub muscular. That is, the muscle is not detached or dissected so there is far less pain and less incidence of bleeding.
Drains are used routinely in breast augmentation to evacuate any fluid that accumulates in the pocket. The drains are usually removed in one to two days. Sutures are absorbable. A surgical bra is worn for several weeks and most patients can gradually resume normal activities by 4 to 6 weeks.
How do I detect leakage/rupture of a breast implant?
It has been alleged that silicone gel implants can cause a variety of illnesses. This has not been substantially documented in the medical literature. The FDA has approved silicone gel implants for use; however, you should consult the package insert which is supplied to you prior to your surgery which does list the risk of autoimmune complication.
Textured implants have shown a low risk of anaplastic large cell lymphoma which is a type of malignant change that occurs around the capsule. We do not use textured implants in our practice.
Are there any other complications I should be aware of?
It has been alleged that silicone gel implants can cause a variety of illnesses. This has not been substantially documented in the medical literature. The FDA has approved silicone gel implants for use; however, you should consult the package insert which is supplied to you prior to your surgery which does list the risk of autoimmune complication.
Textured implants have shown a low risk of anaplastic large cell lymphoma which is a type of malignant change that occurs around the capsule. We do not use textured implants in our practice.
Dr. Hilton Becker is best known for having developed the adjustable breast implant. He is now pleased to offer his patients the New Cohesive Gel (Gummy Bear – MemoryGel) implants. ”Results with these new implants are now better than ever. The results look and feel more natural. Our patients that have received these implants are simply delighted”.
Dr. Becker is recognized as an international authority on both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, Including breast enlargements (augmentation), breast lift (mastopexy), breast augmentation with lift (invisible scar breast lift), correction of breast implant complication and breast reconstruction following mastectomy. He has lectured, taught workshops, written several chapters in text books and published many articles on breast surgery. He is therefore proficient in a broad range of breast surgery.
Introducing Ideal Implants® Structured Breast Implants
Now available in our office, the IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implant has the natural feel that women want, and this option has many advantages over silicone gel implants. After years of development and refinement, including contributions of clinical expertise from plastic surgeons, the IDEAL IMPLANT® was approved by the FDA and Health Canada. It combines the best of both worlds—natural feel and the safety of only saline inside—for enhanced peace of mind.
The IDEAL IMPLANT® has a series of implant shells nested together and two separate chambers that hold the saline. This internal structure controls movement of the saline and supports the implant edges to reduce folding and wrinkling. The implant can give you the natural-like feel you want. Although it is filled with only saline, the implant feels more natural because of its internal supporting structure that controls movement of the saline.
Please call us today to set up your consultation. Do your own side-by-side comparison of the IDEAL IMPLANT® to the silicone gel implant.
Dr. Becker’s response to questions on realself.com
Click here for Dr. Becker’s response to questions on realself.com
Having breast implants is a life time commitment. potential implant complications, such as capsular contracture can be avoided if early physical therapy is initiated. Early physical therapy is initiated if necessary at Aspen Rehab.