Dr. Becker’s Micronizer Delivers Superior Facial Fat Grafting
For the face, Dr. Becker employs his innovative micronizer device which allows him to address all three layers of your skin and tissues, delivering a surgical-like result without any incisions. Dr. Becker is a recognized expert in fat grafting. He spent a year doing wound healing research at the Medical College of Virginia publishing several acclaimed articles. He has developed and patented import devices used to facilitate fat grafting including the Becker liposuction cannulas, the Becker Micronizer as well as absorbable scaffolds to support fat grafts. Furthermore, the micronizer uses your own fat so it’s a completely natural way to restore that youthful looking fullness that we all lose with time. The reason for his superior results is that this revolutionary technique cuts the fat cells into much smaller particles, creating a concentrated cellular matrix called Stromal Vascular Fraction, or SVF Rich Micronized Fat, that is rich in both collagen and stem cells. It is akin to bathing your skin in the fountain of youth.
SVF can be a great stand-alone facial fat grafting procedure in Boca Raton for the right patient, or it can be combined with another procedure such as PRF for an enhanced result. PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is also completely natural as it’s tissue obtained from your own blood. The red cells are removed, and a clot forms that contains growth factors and fibrin. This tissue is micronized, and injected directly into your skin, producing a rejuvenating effect. The procedure is then repeated periodically to maintain and/or enhance your results. Whether this choice is right for you is going to depend on your unique anatomy as well as your desired outcome.
Dr Becker Lectures at the Siittral (Brazilian-American Plastic surgery meeting) on his fat grafting technique to rejuvenate the face and enlarge the breasts
Natural Facelift in Boca Raton, Florida
Facial aging is part of a life well lived. Certain factors such as genetics, sun exposure, diet and lifestyle choices like smoking can speed up the process, but at a certain point, your reflection in the mirror may no longer be in synch with how youthful you feel. Historically, a surgical facelift has been the go-to procedure for rejuvenating an aged face. However, not every patient is ready for, or necessarily wants a surgical procedure. Furthermore, while a facelift is ideal for tightening loose skin, it does not address volume loss. The latter, which is due to a shrinking of the fat layer under your skin, is one of the primary drivers of facial aging.
The Becker Non Surgical "Face Lift"
Following Non-Surgical Facelift
3 Months Post-Op
Non-Surgical Facelift Consultation
For any aesthetic procedure to be successful, it must be tailored to the individual. Social media has become a wonderful education resource for patients today. However, the downside of the world wide web is that it can be deceiving. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure so what worked for your favorite influencer may not be appropriate for your needs. This is why it is so important to schedule an in-person consultation. Dr. Becker is a leading expert in facial rejuvenation and restoring lost facial volume. In practice since 1981 and board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, he has the expertise and experience to deliver an exemplary result for his Boca Raton patients.
During your non-surgical facelift consultation, Dr. Becker will listen closely to what bothers you about your face. He will conduct a physical exam to assess your:
- Skin texture
- Degree of sagging in the skin
- Areas and extent of volume loss
- Fine lines & wrinkles
Together, you will review before & after photos of prior patients as well as photos that you may have collected from the internet in order to ensure that you are both on the same page in terms of your aesthetic goals. Dr. Becker will then develop the best treatment plan to address your specific needs.
Why Dr. Becker’s Natural Facelift in Boca Raton is Different
Fat grafting has been widely used in facial aesthetics since the 1990s to restore volume loss in larger areas such as the:
- Cheeks/Mid-Face
- Naso-labial Folds
- Temples
The results can be impressive. However, Dr. Becker’s facial rejuvenation procedure goes even further. With standard fat grafting in Boca Raton, the improvement is limited by the size of the fat cell. With Dr. Becker’s technique, he uses his own invention, a micronizer device, to process the fat particles into smaller particles.
This accomplishes two things. First, as the fat cells are broken down, oil is released and removed so that the remaining cells have a concentration of the connective tissue that surrounds the fat cells called Stromal Vascular Faction (SVF). Containing both collagen and stem cells, SVF is akin to youth in a syringe. Second, by reducing the size of the fat particles, Dr. Becker is able to inject the fat under the skin through the same size needles as those used with traditional fillers to fill in areas of depression, and directly into the skin to correct fine lines and deeper wrinkles while also rejuvenating the overall appearance of your skin. The end result is a naturally rejuvenated face with no incisions.
Benefits of a Natural Facelift
Unlike fillers, which can also improve areas of volume loss, fat grafting to the face is completely natural. We use your body’s own fat cells which not only contain regenerative cells to repair and restore, but also stem cells to literally renew your skin and tissues. Dr. Becker’s revolutionary facial rejuvenation technique also allows him to address all three layers of the dermis with one technique. Other benefits of facial fat grafting in Boca Raton include:
- No incisions
- Zero sutures
- Will not produce a “pulled” result
- Faster recovery
- Twilight or local anesthesia vs. general anesthesia
Non-Surgical Facelift Procedure
Depending on the extent of your non-surgical facelift procedure, it may be performed in the office under local anesthesia (one treatment area) or in the hospital under twilight anesthesia (full face). To begin, fat is harvested via liposuction, typically from your abdomen or thighs. It is then processed into three components using our proprietary micronizer device. What makes Dr. Becker’s technique superior to standard facial fat grafting is that it is multi-layered. He rebuilds your cheeks and chin by placing fat into the deep layer of dermis above your bone. Next, he addresses depressions, such as the naso-labial folds, and wrinkles, such as the marionette lines and tear troughs, by injecting the fat into the mid-layer. And last, your skin is rejuvenated by injecting very fine particles of fat and/or plasma, which has been extracted from your own blood, into the superficial layer of your skin using intradermal injections. Unlike fillers, however, the healing properties in your fat induce collagen production, thickening your skin while also improving its overall texture.
Non-Surgical Facelift Recovery
The downtime following your non-surgical facelift is going to depend on the extent of liposuction that we perform. You may need to take a week off of work, and possibly wear a compression garment. All of this will be discussed with you in detail before your procedure so that you know exactly what to expect. After your natural facelift procedure, you will need someone to drive you home. You will experience some bruising and swelling at both the liposuction site and the injection sites. This typically peaks 48 hours after your procedure, and begins to ease within 3 days to a week.
Dr. Becker recommends that you sleep with your head elevated, and gently massage the treatment areas in order to reduce swelling. You will need to stay out of the sun for a month, and all of our natural facelift patients are placed on Dr. Becker’s 100% natural skincare regime in order to maximize your results. You can return to light activities after the first week, but please avoid anything strenuous until you see Dr. Becker for your three week follow-up. Once he gives you the all clear, you are good to go. So, if your skin no longer looks the way that you would like to feel, come in and see us to discuss whether a natural facelift may be a good fit for you.
To find out more about a facial fat grafting with Dr. Hilton Becker at his Boca Raton office, contact us today or call (561) 394 6656 to schedule a consultation.