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As stated in an article in the Archives of Plastic Surgery (APS) published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), capsular contracture is the most common complication of breast implant surgery, with an overall incidence of 10.6%. This painful condition, in which the breast becomes hard and misshapen, is one of the most common reasons for revision breast surgery. As a general surgeon and board-certified plastic surgeon with a background in wound healing and reconstruction, Dr. Hilton Becker provides capsular contracture treatment in Boca Raton with the highest level of skill and comprehensive patient care.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a breast implant complication that occurs when the scar tissue capsule that forms around the implant becomes tight and constricting. The capsule squeezes the implant, causing it to become hard and distorted. The breast may feel stiff and painful and develop a misshapen, unattractive appearance.

What Causes Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture results from an excessive fibrotic reaction (formation of fibrous connective tissue) to a foreign body implanted in the breast, the precise cause of which is still unknown. However, the risk of developing this breast implant complication has been shown to be related to:

  • Bacterial contamination
  • Bleeding
  • Trauma
  • Unknown predisposition

What Are the Symptoms of Capsular Contracture?

Most cases of capsular contracture develop within the first two years following breast implant surgery, although this complication can occur at any time. Symptoms may develop slowly and may include:

  • High-riding or misshapen breast
  • Tight or painful feeling in the breast
  • Visible rippling
  • Round, ball-like appearance

Degrees of Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture can occur in degrees. The Baker grading system is used to measure the degree of this condition as follows:

How Is Capsular Contracture Treated?

Most cases of capsular contracture are treated with revision surgery. Surgical treatment options include:

  • Capsulectomy: Surgical removal of the scar tissue capsule and implant replacement
  • Capsulotomy: A procedure in which the capsule is scored to release the scar tissue
  • Capsulotomy with expansion: An adjustable implant developed by Dr. Becker is used in conjunction with scar tissue capsule release.
  • Insertion of acellular dermal or synthetic mesh matrix
  • Placement of the implant in a new pocket
  • Massage and compression
  • Antibiotic irrigation of the pocket

When you come to Dr. Hilton Becker in South Florida for capsular contracture resolution, you are in the hands of a pioneer in breast augmentation and breast reconstruction surgery. After a consultation and careful evaluation of your anatomy, he will custom-tailor a surgical treatment plan specifically for you. With Dr. Becker as your treating physician, you have the benefit of a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive training in reconstruction and wound healing who provides an extraordinary level of care for all his patients.

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